Isaiah 15:1-18:7
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This week is Isaiah we will read many prophecies against cities and kingdoms. I realize these can be tough to read in some ways. As you read these prophecies, consider why these prophecies were written. Why were these prophecies proclaimed by Isaiah?'s excellent commentary on this section of the book of Isaiah titled "The Burdens Upon the Nations" is worth spending a few minutes reading at this link.

Today we read in Isaiah chapter 15 a message against Moab, or the Moabites! You will recall the Moabites from Numbers 22 through 25, where the Moabites were first fearful of Israel (Num. 22) because of their size, and they realized they could not defeat them in open warfare. So, they tried to get Balaam to curse the Israelites (Num 23 & 24), but Balaam wouldn't do it because God was giving him messages of blessings upon the Israelites! So, finally the Moabites decide to simply seduce the Israelites (Num 25) into worshiping their gods and this strategy worked! To the point where God ended up killing 24,000 Israelites with a plague (Num 25:9) because of their disobedience! A very bright map that shows where Moab is located in comparison to Judah and Israel is below:

Worship Video: Today's readings remind me of Steven Curtis Chapman's amazing song "Dive." What in your life is God calling you to dive into? Dive in!
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God bless,
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