Jeremiah 48:1-49:22
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Jeremiah chapter 48 is not a very happy chapter... at first glance it's tough to figure out what is going on in this chapter. Why is God so angry at Moab? I think verses 28 - 30 let us in on why: "You people of Moab, flee from your cities and towns! Live in the caves like doves that nest in the clefts of the rocks. We have heard of the pride of Moab, for it is very great. We know of her loftiness, her arrogance, and her haughty heart. I know about her insolence," says the LORD, "but her boasts are false; they accomplish nothing." It sounds like pride and boasting was a major factor here obviously. Along with idol worship as we see in verse 13: "At last Moab will be ashamed of her idol Chemosh, as Israel was ashamed of her gold calf at Bethel." I do think we see sadness from God in this judgment upon Moab in verse 31: "Yes, I wail for Moab; my heart is broken for the men of Kir-hareseth." And ultimate redemption comes in the last verse, 47, of this chapter: "But in the latter days I will restore the fortunes of Moab," says the LORD." This chapter may give us the opportunity to pause and reflect on if there are areas in our life where we are boasting? Boasting in prideful ways? Are we arrogant, lofty, displaying a haughty heart toward others?

Chapter 49 does not bring good tidings to the Ammonites or Edomites. Verse 16 again gives us a good look into why this judgment is coming upon Edom: "You are proud that you inspire fear in others. And you are proud because you live in a rock fortress and hide high in the mountains. But don't fool yourselves!" Pride. Again. Pride. Think Pride is something that has been a temptation of humans since the Fall? Think this temptation continues today? Verse 6 does give the hope of redemption for the Ammonites: "But afterward I will restore the fortunes of the Ammonites," says the LORD." This map below will give you a quick snapshot of the location of the Ammonites, Edomites, and Moabites from today's readings:

Worship Video: I realize that I'm posting up 2 Chris Tomlin videos 2 days in a row. I want to share a live version of him singing "Indescribable" from The Netherlands Youth Day at a stadium. I don't think I mentioned this in yesterday's posting - but if you ever get a chance to see Chris Tomlin live, please take the opportunity! It is always a powerful worship experience!
Is God Indescribable to you? Click here to get to know Him!
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Grace, love, peace, and joy!
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