Leviticus 7:28-9:6
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I found Leviticus chapter 7 verse 36 to be powerful as we read about a portion of the offerings going to the priests: "The LORD commanded that the Israelites were to give these portions to the priests as their regular share from the time of the priests' anointing. This regulation applies throughout the generations to come." I think this is something for us to consider today - most of us realize that a portion of our tithes and offerings to our churches goes to support our pastors, priests, ministers, clergy. And I believe this is rightly so. These clergy are doing holy work in our churches today. And I know from first hand experience from my past that church ministry work is not easy work. Yes, oftentimes it is joyful work and the most amazing & fulfilling work you can imagine. But, other times it can be really tough work as you can find yourselves on the front lines of spiritual warfare and working with people at very low points in their lives. So - I guess I say all of this to encourage you to not begrudge your clergy in your church for getting paid for their work. Aaron and his sons were "paid" here in Leviticus - and I think it is still proper for clergy to be paid today. (and trust me - most clergy that I know do not get paid an exorbitant amount by a long shot... :) I guess, while I am on this subject, I am also a bit familiar with the house church model today - and I do believe there are some leaders in this movement that are probably not getting "paid" financially. And I think this is great if you can sustain the model. But, personally, I wouldn't fault house church leaders for receiving compensation either. It is holy work that our clergy do. I think fair compensation for this work is fair. What do you think?
Today in Leviticus chapter 8 we read about the Ordination of the Priests. Many of you will recall that we read something very similar to this chapter earlier this year in Exodus chapter 29 - click on this link to review Exodus 29. In verse 14 today we read: "Then Moses brought in the bull for the sin offering, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head."
Great commentary about Priesthood in the Old Testament is online at bible.org at this link.
Worship Video: Today’s readings reminded me of the Big Daddy Weave song “Redeemed:”
Have you been redeemed? Click here for Redemption!
Comments from You & Question of the Day - I realize that my reflections above in the OT section on clergy at churches receiving compensation might be controversial in some ways. What are your thoughts on your clergy receiving compensation? What are your thoughts on others in other types of ministry receiving compensation? Where do we draw the line of when ministry should be done with compensation or without compensation? Also, what verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
Love, Trust, and Obey Jesus,
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