1 Samuel 8:1-9:27
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We have some great dramatic reading today in First Samuel! Tyndale's One Year Bible Companion today has some good food for thought to the question of Why did Israel want a king? - "1. Samuel's sons were not fit to lead Israel 2. The 12 tribes of Israel continually had problems working together because each tribe had its own leader and territory. It was hoped that a king would unite the tribes into one nation and one army. 3. The people wanted to be like the neighboring nations. This is exactly what God didn't want. Having a king would make it easy for them to forget that God was their real leader." In First Samuel Chapter 8 we hear Samuel passing on God's warning to how the king will treat the people...
Can you imagine hearing these words of Samuel if you were Saul in First Samuel 9:20 today: "And I am here to tell you that you and your family are the focus of all Israel's hopes." All you are doing is looking for your dad's lost donkeys and all of the sudden you hear this from the seer! Whew... You know though - I will say this. Being in relationship with God is always an adventure. I think oftentimes we will start out on a journey to do one thing and God ends up taking us some place completely different. Saul is about to embark on an adventure. You and I have the opportunity to embark on an adventure with God each and every day. I know that there are many times that God sends me into places & situations I would have never thought imaginable. That's the adventure of faith. It truly is not boring! I honestly think that life apart from God is truly boring. The secular life is boring. The materialistic life is boring. If you are feeling bored these days, will you break free and wholeheartedly pursue an adventurous relationship with the Lord?

An image is below for 1 Samuel 9:11 today - "As they were climbing a hill toward the town, they met some young women coming out to draw water. So Saul and his servant asked, "Is the seer here today?"
Bible.org's commentary on 1 Samuel's readings today titled "Give us a King!" is at this link and commentary titled "The making of Israel's first king" is at this link.
Worship Video: Today’s readings reminded me of the great Matt Maher song "Hold us Together:"
Do you believe love will hold us together? Click here for Love!
Comments from You: What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
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