Genesis 1:1-2:25
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Happy New Year! Welcome to the beginning of our Old Testament in a Year journey in 2025! Today we begin with the book of Genesis!
Author: Moses
Date: 1420 or 1220 B.C.
Content: The book of Genesis was written to explain how everything began; in fact, the very title Genesis means “origin” or “beginning”. It explains that God created the universe, how man was created and placed in a perfect environment, how sin began, and how God provided salvation for lost man. The beginning of human history is described, the beginning of arts and crafts, how human languages began, and where the various nations came from. The focus then shifts to the beginning of the Hebrew people with Abraham, followed by the histories of Isaac, Jacob and his sons, and the book ends with Joseph in Egypt.
Theme: The main idea that runs through the book is that although God made everything good, man’s sin has spoiled it. God has not given up, but is now in search of man to save him. The overall control of God is stressed, and special attention is given to how God directs history for the good of his people and their salvation. (Above commentary is from Tyndale Publishers “The One Year Bible Companion” p. 1) A wonderful commentary on the book of Genesis by Bob Deffinbaugh is at this link. Below is more art from Michelangelo - this is a marble statue of Moses, the author of Genesis, made in the year 1515 in Italy:
Moses is the author/compiler of the first five books of the Old Testament, also known as the Pentateuch, or the books of the Law. It is believed that these five books were written by Moses during Israel's 40 years in the desert after the exodus from Egypt - which was likely between 1446 B.C. and 1406 B.C. The book of Genesis is foundational to understanding the rest of the Bible. It is a book of relationships - between God and his creation; between God and humans; and between humans themselves. In Genesis, God pledges his love and faithfulness to humans through covenants. It is a narrative that continually demonstrates faith.
In today's Genesis readings we read about the Creation account and Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. There is so much happening in today's readings, that this daily blog will not do it all justice... A series of links with a great overview of the 6 literal 24 hour days of creation that I HIGHLY recommend you read is at at this link. Check out some great information on the Creation account in our Genesis readings today at at this link. Below is a wonderful piece of art from Pat Marvenko Smith titled "The Creation" - you'll note this piece shows all 6 days of creation and what was created on each day, going from the left to the right:
To order prints visit her "Revelation Illustrated" site.
Today we read this incredibly powerful verse in Genesis chapter 1 verse 27: "So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them." Do you believe that you are made in the image of God? Is this a powerful thing to reflect upon? What might this mean for your life in this new year, knowing that you are made in the image of God? Does this give you a sense of possibility for your life? A sense that you are made for a great purpose in this life?
Chapter 2 verse 3 is beautiful: "And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from his work of creation." A day of rest. One day a week. If God did this, think we should too? :) 6 days of work and play and 1 day each week of resting in God. I confess I like the concept a lot more than I actually put it into practice. Perhaps this year can be a year of new beginnings where a Sabbath day of rest enters our lives each week? How are you doing on taking a Sabbath? I love this image below of God resting on the 7th day:
One quick note from our readings today about the location of the Garden of Eden. It is believed to have been near where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers meet, in what is now southern Iraq. Below is a very high level map:'s commentary on today's readings in Genesis chapters 1 and 2 titled "The Meaning of Man: His Duty and His Delight" is at this link.
Worship Video - I typically post up a worship video that relates to our daily readings on this section of the blog. Today, reading about God's creation of our world in Genesis reminded me of Chris Tomlin's song "Our God" (filmed live at Red Rocks, Colorado, in 2013 - I was there!) which I think ties in nicely our Matthew readings today as well. Enjoy, and don't be afraid to Worship God right now along with this video!
Do you personally know our Great God? Click here to meet Him!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 NLT
Prayer Point: Based on Genesis 1:27 above, will you pray today for your family, co-workers/students, and others in your community that you will see the image of God in each of them them? Also, will you pray for those you know who are made in the image of God, and yet are not in a saving personal relationship with Jesus? Will you pray that they will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior this year?
Comments from You and Question of the Day: As today is our first day together on the Old Testament journey in 2025, I thought I'd post up a "roll-call." This is an opportunity for each of us to click on the "Comments" link below and let everyone know a few things about ourselves, as we'll be journeying through the Word together over the coming year. So here's the roll-call questions: 1. Have you read the entire Bible before? 2. What are you looking forward to about reading the Old Testament in 2025? 3. What's your favorite book or verse in the Bible? Thanks for participating in the roll-call! :) Also, what verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
p.s. - Download a schedule of our Old Testament readings for the year in PDF format at this link.
p.s. #2 - I would greatly appreciate it if you would pray for this Bible Blog ministry today! Please also consider partnering with us by financially supporting this ministry. Thank you!
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